Research: 90% of colleges place considerable or moderate importance on test scores. Your SAT score is a predictor of how well you will do in school and how likely you are to graduate.
A study at Michigan State University shows students with test scores (SAT or ACT) in the top half have a two-thirds chance of having a cumulative GPA in the top half.
Students who scored in the 95th percentile on the SAT or ACT are 60% more likely to graduate than students who scored in the 50th percentile.
What will taking our ACT/SAT Course do for you today?
Get 1 on 1 Tutoring
Fill in knowledge gaps.
Brush up on what you’ve learned in class
Build your confidence.
Learn to gauge your time.
Learn to guess and how to choose between similar answers.
You could know all the information perfectly and still freeze up during an exam. Becoming familiar with the questions and test format will lower your test anxiety and improve your score.
ACT/SAT Tutors has developed an eight session course to help you score higher. Please review our program on the following pages.